Hey, I'm Ryan.

I help men break free from lives of inaction into lives of purpose and intention

Better Understanding

My goal is to help you understand two simple things: what you are feeling and what you are thinking. Your thoughts and your emotions are in an eternal dance, spinning around and around, constantly affecting each other, and our time together will be spent understanding the dance currently playing out.

When we are able to understand what we are feeling towards a certain situation we will begin to understand why we are thinking and acting the way we are.

And when we are able to understand what we are thinking towards a certain situation we will begin to understand why we are feeling the way we are.

This dance will play out whether we realize it going on or not, but once we understand the dance we can then begin to direct the dance how we want it to go. We can focus on how we want to feel about a situation, which will affect what we think about a situation. Or we can focus on what we want to think about a situation which will affect how we feel towards the situation.

And it’s when we spend time to understand and be intentional in what we want to think/feel is when life will become unlocked for us. We’ll have more confidence to pursue or goals or change our habits or overcome our fears.

We’ll begin to feel like we are directing the dance of life instead of the dance of life telling use what to do.

Action, action, action... and more action

Understanding our emotions and thoughts is great, but true change doesn’t happen unless we take action. My promise is that each appointment will end with some kind of action step. This action step is the magic that will help you begin to feel alive to your life. It is the small step of faith that when chained together with other small steps of faith day after day will see you accomplishing your goals and creating a habit in life in which you are the one directing a life that is full, inspiring, fulfilling, and heading in the direction you want it to take.

Get in Touch

Schedule a free 1:1 introductory session with me to discuss how I could better help you achieve the life you want to live.


Where do we begin?

Schedule a free 30 minute introductory appointment (use the Contact Me page and ask to schedule an appointment). This will give me an opportunity to listen to what you would like to get coached on and allow me the chance to determine if further coaching would be the best next step for you. I want to make sure your time and money is well spent and I would never want you to sign up for a coaching session when I didn’t think that would be the best next step for you.

This will also be an opportunity for you to assess if you’d want to work with me or if I am the right fit for you. I want to make sure you feel comfortable working with me and this will give you a chance to get a glimpse of my coaching style and philosophy and determine if I would be the right fit for you.

If further coaching will be right for us, and I expect it most likely will, then I’ll share what I think would be the best next steps and provide an opportunity to schedule your first coaching session and answer any further questions you may have.

I offer 1 hour sessions for $100 dollars or you can signup for three 1 hour sessions for $250 dollars or six 1 hour sessions for $500 dollars, all scheduled on your time frame. Meaning, you can use them each week, multiple times per week, or space your sessions out over the course of a couple months.